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My main mission in my life has been to discover and embrace my true, authentic self - to feel at home in

my own skin. I have dedicated myself to finding

my truth and purpose in life, and now, my goal

is to help you do the same.


Life Coaching is a path that takes you from where you are now, to where you truly want to be.


You are supported and guided to explore yourself and your life, to access your own wisdom and knowledge, desires and purpose. Exposing truth and aligning with your highest potential. Mastering the magic of your life and drawing your dreams into reality,

actively creating your life.

My wish for you .... to live the life you were born to live, through the eyes of the woman you were born to be. To stop reacting to your life and start creating your life.

My aim is to empower you, to connect you to your true sense of self and bring it to the forefront of your life and make the changes that need to be made to live in alignment with this truth. You may feel disconnected from who you truly are and your purpose, and sense that you are not living the abundant life you know you were born to live...

The result of this is dissatisfaction with your life, low energy in your body and being, lack of enthusiasm or passion, frustration, stress, anger, depression and ill health.

All of the above can show up in your life in many ways:

no sense of purpose


low in self-esteem

not coping with life

feeling out of control

feeling trapped


If this is you, you know something has to change!

My intention is to support you through being the person who believes in you, who wants to see you live the life you were always meant to live. I want to see you empowered to create your life from your highest vibration, with abundance, passion and peace.

This Coaching is for you if you are interested in energy work and you:

Want to connect to your truth

Want to know your innate and authentic self

Want to change the way you relate and respond to your life

Want to embrace all aspects of yourself both negative and positive


Want to live every day on purpose, with passion and in peace

Want to witness and work with magic in your life

Want to create a life from you souls deepest desires

Want to commit to empowering yourself

Want to change your life

Your Human Design Introduction

The Science of Differentiation ~ A Blueprint to Your Self Actualisation.

This session will introduce you to a new template for you to explore and experiment with the concept of 'who you are', your unique energy and how to you are best able to interact with yourself in the best possible way, as well as how you can interact with the world around you.

You will be supported and permitted to let go of the beliefs about yourself that were informed on you through your environment and conditioning.

This will set you on a fast tract for your self actualisation and will put you on path to the high frequency state of being 'your authenticity' allowing ease, flow and abundance to be your every day.

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deep mother coaching

Human Design Life Coaching

Be supported as you self actualise and transform you life.

Your Human Design map offers you the opportunity to interact with yourself and the world around you in a different way, a more embodied way. This package offers a weekly support over the course of your moon cycle, you menstrual cycle, four sessions, to experiment and integrate with your energy blueprint map.


reclaiming the threads

Deep Alignment Program

Shadow Work ~ Release the unseen energetics that hold you back. 

The possibilities and potentials for your life are greater than you know.


What determines your reality is how you perceive it and how you limit these potentials due to the environmental conditioning you have experienced through your life.


Much of the conditioning you have recieved has impacted how you perceive yourself and the beliefs you have about yourself.

Often the perception and belief you have of is deeply embedded into the body, emotions and mind and is exists in your sub-conscious and unconscious aspects of self.

This 5 week course takes you on a supported journey with practices, processes and visualisations that with uncover the core of what is keeping you stuck, actualising the truth of your potential and empowering you to live your highest frequency. 



sacred moon

Aura Analysis
& Chakra 


Activate Deep Healing, Processing and Embodiment.

This is a 1:1 face to face session. The Aura Analysis is a scan of your quantum field via the Healy Frequency Device in which the correct frequencies are identified and delivered to you via micro-currents supporting your highest frequency potential, working on the epigeneticss of your being, assisting transformation and wellbeing.

The Chakra Balancing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, provoking deep embodiment triggering the processing and digesting which is needed for activating healing and promoting good health & wellbeing.

An amazing session for those who suffer from stress and lack of body connection.



human design



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